Do I want children or does society want me to have children? with Laura Henshaw
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About the episode
You meet someone, you get married, you have children. Right? That’s been the status quo for so long that it can be hard to imagine an alternative. For so many people who don’t feel called to be a parent, that path doesn’t feel right. But if you’ve grown up in a world where everyone you know, and everyone you follow, and every character in every movie and every TV show is getting married and having children, how do you distinguish what you want versus what society wants you to want? And if you do decide to have children…does your whole purpose have to switch to motherhood? To help answer these questions Laura speaks with parenthood clarity mentor Ann Davidman. Ann and Denise L. Carlini wrote the book ‘Motherhood - Is It For Me?’ and Ann runs an online Motherhood Clarity Course and Fatherhood Clarity Course for people struggling with indecision. Laura asks Ann: why do we feel shame over not knowing if we want to have children? What is the difference between our desire for children vs our decision to have children? Can we have more than one purpose in life? And most importantly…how do we start to figure all of this out? Then you share your thoughts on the topic ❤️ FIND OUT MORE Read ‘Motherhood - Is It For Me?’ https://www.motherhoodisitforme.com/books Check out the Motherhood Clarity Course https://www.motherhoodisitforme.com/motherhoodclaritycourse And the Fatherhood Clarity Course https://www.motherhoodisitforme.com/fatherhood-clarity-course Follow Ann on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/anndavidman/ FOLLOW US Laura Henshaw @laura.henshaw on Instagram & @laura.henshaw on Tiktok KICPOD @kicpod on Instagram Join our closed KICPOD Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/630561419185145/ Join Kic @kic.app on Instagram & @kic on TikTok and kicapp.com or download the app from the App Store and Google Play Store