How ADHD presents in women - with journalist Matilda Boseley
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About the episode
Matilda Boseley is a journalist and author of the book ‘The Year I Met My Brain: A travel companion for adults who have just found out they have ADHD’. The book is part-Matilda’s experience of ADHD, and part-straight up facts, and this conversation was a little bit of both too. Matilda's book has become Steph's go-to recommendation for anyone wanting to learn more about ADHD, and especially ADHD in women. Because the thing is…ADHD presents verrrrry differently in women and girls compared to boys. In this episode Matilda speaks with Steph about learning about ADHD via TikTok during Covid lockdown, receiving an ADHD diagnosis in her early 20’s, the compounding impact of ADHD & anxiety, and Steph & Matilda both share their own experiences of being women with ADHD. FIND OUT MORE The Year I Met My Brain - Matilda Boseley https://www.penguin.com.au/books/the-year-i-met-my-brain-9780143779773 Follow Matilda on Instagram @mattieunofficial on TikTok and Instagram