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The Dirt Down Under

The Dirt Down Under

Let’s be honest, none wants to talk about the end of the world. However, with the looming issues of climate change, plastic pollution, biodiversity loss, overfishing and an endless list of planetary challenges, mass global conservation efforts are at play. But is their advocacy too much for the masses to handle? Julia Wheeler and Paul De Gelder chat with these game-changers who are striving to protect mother earth and tackle the stigma, rumours and gossip surrounding what conservation actually means, getting down to the dirt of an ever changing controversial circle from a humour driven, fact-checking, empowering and listener life- changing perspective.

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59 min
22 Sep 21


He is the 20 x world record holder, he is the reason we question humanities abilities and he holds his breath for eight and a half minutes. He is the Freediving World Champion, he is Alexey Molchanov and you should listen to this episode.  THE DIRT @alexeymolchanov Alexey’s breathing abilities - 8.5 minute breath hold, yes. ‘The Machine’ What Alexey and Julia’s outlook is about pool freediving vs depth Alexi's freediving journey - where did this ‘Machine’ come from and how he broke a record at age 17 during his first freediving competition Mammalian - what? Alexey and Julia talk about our set of evolutionary adaptations which allow us to stay underwater for extended periods of time; diving reflex Paul is baffled by the bodily triggers in Freediving that make us pee - honestly though, he can’t let it go. Alexy's diving origins continued… Alexey shares some of his shark diving and conservation stories on one breath Paul continues to be baffled… You won’t believe it but you have to hear it; the dirt on how Alexey can dive down to 130m and hold his breath for 8.5 minutes Alexey and Julia run through how a freediving competition works and the mind games and mental competition that takes play behind the scenes… Alexey, how do you hold your breath the way you do? I mean, come on. The dirt on the stigma behind freediving and safety Getting in depth with Alexey and Julia about the dangers of freediving as a sport Paul lost a friend to a shallow water blackout - what are shallow water blackouts How many world records does Alexey have - you won’t believe it. Japanese women can hold their breath while diving for peals… Alexey’s mental dive preparation and what he’s not thinking about 130m below Ice tails - Alexey tells all about his 80m free dive under the ice Alexye’s next ‘big thing’ How Julia approaches freediving Alexey's freediving community ‘Freediving is not about fighting the urgre to breathe, it's about relaxation’ The importance of a good freedive instructor Alexy's mum's influence on the freediving sport Alexy's freediving school Find Alexey See for privacy information.

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1 hr, 9 min
15 Sep 21


Simon Hill is a Physiotherapist, author, host of world famous, ‘Plant Proof’ Podcast and nutritionist for Chris Hemmseworths’ CENTR fitness app who is passionate about making nutritional information simple and accessible so that people can make informed decisions about the food they feed themselves and their family.In 2008, Simon completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and immediately began working as a Sports Physiotherapist in Melbourne both at a leading private practice and with professional AFL & VFL footballers.Over the years, however, Simon became increasingly curious about the role nutrition played in nourishing the body and preventing disease. By using his research skills developed during his honors degree, Simon dove deep into the available literature on nutrition & disease and soon became fascinated by the vast evidence out there that proved that simple lifestyle changes could help people prevent and sometimes even reverse many of the leading chronic diseases that plague the western world today.Concerned with the fact that this information was not reaching people but was instead getting lost amidst the myriad of marketing ploys pushed by industries who were more interested in profits than the health and general well-being of the public, Simon shifted gears in his career undertaking a Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate and a post-graduate degree in Nutrition.During this time, he set up and began hosting world-renowned doctors and public figures, such as Neurologist's Dean & Ayesha Sherzai, MD, Dr Will Bulsiewicz, MD, Dr David Katz, MD, Environmental Researcher Nicholas Carter, Climate Scientist Dr Jonathon Foley and Ultra-Athlete Rich Roll on the Plant Proof podcast. The Dirt @plantt_proof Why are so many people confused when it comes to dieting? We invented diets; but why Simon? What are the peak scientific guidelines when it comes to dieting? Oh but - not all science is equal! What from these peak medical guidelines can we believe? Simon, what motivated you to become a nutritionist and get dirty on food? Simon shares a compelling story of the moment that changed his life and prompted him to take this journey towards revealing the lifestyle factors that can save your life… Do you know that we share health traits with our pets!? Talking the dirt on ultra-processed foods Where does someone begin when looking to transition to a plant-based diet? Meat itself has a lot of nutrients, can these be found elsewhere in a plant based diet? Does 'moderation' with foods really mean anything? Simon talks the dirt on diet and it's relationship with the wider planet Confirmation bias about meat, and lack of peer-reviewed articles supporting it Simon talks the dirt on the carnivore diet and eliminative diets Lots of dietary support is anecdotal! Social stigma of dieting - especially veganism - this is dirty! How changing diet takes time - and food as an addiction Dieting labels revisited! Simon says it's okay to eat oyster and mussels on a plant-based diet! But why! Let's talk about the reason why people don’t become vegan Is veganism growing in australia? Myth busters!! Tofu can give you man boobs… or? Is tofu is a fito-estrogen? Does diary and estrogen cause cancer? Is the social status of veganism a real thing? The dirt on the fundamental problem with the Aussie food market… Simon’s book - The Proof Is In The Plants Simon's message to all listeners Find Simon See for privacy information.

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55 min
8 Sep 21


Sharks play a critical role in the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems. Yet despite their importance, shark populations are being decimated globally. The rapid decline in populations teamed with the man-eating monster stereotypes sharks have garnered over the years, have left sharks fighting for their survival. Through years of passion, Jillian and Duncan have spent their lives dedicated to spreading awareness about why we need to save our sharks and in turn, our oceans. Julia ventured to work with Jillian in 2020 to create a short film, Shark Attack which focuses on the positive impact that the Bahamas took in 2012, making their 200 mile economic zone a shark sanctuary. Paul has worked with Duncan over the years and share the stories of shark encounters and all things passion for ocean.  In the background, Jillian founded Sharks 4 Kids. The goal of Sharks4Kids is to create a new generation of shark advocates through access to a dynamic range of educational materials. Curriculum, games and activities will allow teachers to integrate shark education into their science programs on an introductory, intermediate or advanced level. Students can access games, activities and info sheets to satisfy their own curiosity about sharks. Photos and videos from scientists and conservationists bring an exciting element into the classroom and show students the beauty of the ocean. Our team brings together scientists, educators, conservationists and professional videographers to create a unique opportunity for the next generation to learn why sharks need kids and kids need sharks.    THE EPISODE DIRT @sharkeducation @biminisharkgirl @underwatercameraman - How did Jill and Duncan find each other? I mean… underwater? - Jillian and Duncan's baby shark has swam with sharks already! - You would never guess how many species of sharks are in the Bahamas or why… - Why did these guys dedicate their lives to working with sharks? - What is your daily routine and how long has this dream life unfolded? - Paul tells the most vile spew story from one of his dive trips to Bimini - Jill tells us why sharks are so important to the marine ecosystem - We talk the dirt on why the Bahamas made their 200 mile economic zone a shark sanctuary - the reason Julia made her Shark Attack film there in 2020 with Jill - The protection of sharks has seriously boosted the Bahama's tourism… - Mine and Paul's experiences with Jill and Duncan in the Bahamas - The role sharks play in the global marine ecosystem - - We talk the dirt on shark’s greatest threats and how this can be prevented - Are systems in place to change these threats? - Um! Why don't all countries make their economic zone shark sanctuaries?! - Conservation success stories need to provide a solid alternative for what they want to stop - there’s large factors at play here. - Favourite shark and biggest discovery in their work - Why people should give a shit about sharks! - Jill’s incredible organisation 'Sharks for Kids' - Fun facts about sharks (one shark even has a bellybutton) - Biggest threats for sharks -Does shark meat contain high amounts of mercury? Oh yeah. And it’s on your supermarket shelf. - Why would we want to consume shark meat? - Our close calls with sharks - Statistics on shark deaths - Final thoughts - the power of kids - Julia loves a good aquarium - but there’s push back here… - Find Jill and Duncan here: Shark Education See for privacy information.

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1 hr, 1 min
1 Sep 21


Co-host of The Dirty Down Under, Julia Wheeler joins Paul De Gelder for a candid interview into the life of this highly wild and adventurous, driven and inspiring human being. Openly admitting to loving “the wild places”, Australian-based investigative-journalist and Documentary film maker, explorer and World Champion Freediver, Julia Wheeler, is at her happiest when she’s either 50 metres below the sea’s surface exploring shipwrecks and interacting with ocean giants or on the frontline of endangered species conservation, exposing the stories of real life heroes who are fighting to protect the planet and ecosystems. “If you really want to tell a story about someone, you have to be willing to put aside your fears and step into their shoes on an intimate level.You must be open to embracing and experiencing everything in front of you. You may not agree with all peoples views but always want to understand them.” Julia has visited Africa many times where her passions for the natural world flourished. Almost ready to hit your screens, for the last 7 years, Julia completed a four-part wildlife / exploration documentary series, which follows her into the compelling lives of the humans who work behind the scenes of endangered species conservation to protect, rehabilitate and defend global wildlife. Julia explains how the series explores the ecosystems who's wildlife depend on it for survival and shows the severe impact of climate change, poverty and animal exploitation but all the while wanting to maintain an uplifting and positive outlook for anyone who watches.. Julia's passion and devotion for protecting the world's wild places is evident as she was recently asked to appear in Virgin Unite's 30x30 campaign, narrated by Richard Branson and Sir David Attenborough to raise awareness around the plight of the oceans and more recently featured in Australia's top selling conservation and sustainability magazine, Peppermint Mag.   Hot Topics: - What are you Julia? - Where did Julia come from? - What drives Julia? - Background on how Julia's wildlife series came to flourish - Dangerous times on the African continent - Julia tells the story of being charged by a 250kg male lion, on foot! - Julia dives into the world of FreedivingSee for privacy information.

Mark as played
50 min
25 Aug 21


Matt Porteous is not only the private Royal family photographer for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, he has turned his sights to the horizon by creating a beautiful ocean based platform called Ocean Culture Life to connect people from all around the globe through storytelling. Named by Harpers Bazaar as Wedding Photographer of the year, Matt is drawn to stories, and he excels in telling them. Driven by a desire to document experiences from the intimate to the adventurous, Matt is alive to the emotion hidden in each moment and possesses a unique ability to capture it. With an ever-growing passion and care for the water and our world, Matt is committed to bringing light to stories with a ‘why’, a purpose that goes beyond the individual. His continuing success is evident in the transformational energy and quiet honesty of his photos. Alas, Ocean Culture Life Storytellers not only inspire through their captivating imagery, but also have the ability to highlight the crucial work Ocean Guardians are doing around the world; surfacing their stories and inspiring individuals, corporations, or even governments to support their efforts. OCL’s storytellers are united by a love of the water and an instinctive ability to capture emotion and change through the lens. Across the world, Matt connect these talented creators with our Ocean Guardians, so that they can tell their stories in captivating photography and film. Through the fog of media that bombards us every day, these stories of progress, of incremental improvement and endeavour in the face of persistent and unrelenting pushback, are the ones that stay with us. In a matter of months, community projects, scientific research and conservation efforts across the world were soon brought to life by OCL’s storytellers, creating compelling content which catalysed positive change. Now OCL has grown beyond its island shores. Working with world-leading experts and creators, they hosted their first World Ocean’s Day this year, launched a new partnership with Oceanographic Magazine, and their influence continues to spread still further across the clear horizons that join ocean communities. In Hawaii, Matt stumbled upon the very tip of a worldwide community quietly devoted to protecting our oceans. In the three years since, OCL has uncovered inspiring stories, innovative ideas and pioneering science where so many would not think to look. But today, while we keep searching for stories below the surface, the ocean continues to suffer in silence. THE EPISODE DIRT @mattporteous @oceanculturelife From the private Royal Family photographer to Ocean conservation? How did Matt Porteous become a conservationist? Paul paints a vague and interesting picture of how he thinks Matt met Prince William and they immediately bond for life (again, hilarious) What is Matt’s earliest memory of ocean photography in England? (Hilarious) Matt goes into detail about how he uses his platform to give a voice to the ocean What's the fundamental purpose of what Matt does? Be anyone - you don’t need to be someone to pick up a camera and document the things that you are passionate about - Matt Draper story about leaving the coal industry to conservation See for privacy information.

Mark as played
39 min
18 Aug 21


Maybe you don’t live in Australia or care about the politics of the oil and gas industry although considering we burnt down an area the size of Syria during those treacherous black summers, are the second hottest continent on earth and emitted a near 550 million tonnes of greenhouse gasses in 2019, I’d hope to have your attention now. We aren’t here to fill your ears with political jargon, but we are here to tell you that your beautiful Sydney coastline is about to become an oil rig epicentre if the current PEP-11 goes ahead (petroleum exploration permit - 11) and we’re here to tell you that the impacts are going to be felt Australia-wide. Obviously, the big picture is gas and oil are fossil fuels which fuel further climate change.  I’ve heard gas is a dirty fossil fuel which causes 84 times more climate damage than carbon dioxide and 2/3 of our gas is exported and in 2019 Australia was the largest exporter of gas in the world. But Australia doesn’t want to stop drilling and exporting and in turn, heating up our planet. The Amazon is now releasing more carbon than it was absorbing and the upper ridges of the Daintree Rainforest in far North Queensland are now fire-prone!? You might not be familiar with the California coast line so I’ll paint you a little picture; oil rigs, everywhere. And what’s worse is when you emerge from the water and have to scrape the oil off your wetsuits. Do you really want that to become a possibility here in Australia? We’ve brought the most politically incorrect man to our frontline to share the tale; he’s former world surf league commentator, owner of World Surf Magazine and led the successful, coastal-saving campaign against oil giant, Equinor from oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight. His name is Sean Doherty and he’s a dead-set living Legend. Sean talks the dirt of the oil and gas industry. It’s entertaining and terrifying. PEP-11 stands for Petroleum Exploration Permit 11. It is a permit to drill for oil and gas in a four and a half thousand square kilometers offshore zone between Manly and Newcastle. In some parts, PEP - 11 comes within 6 kilometers of the shoreline. Minister Keith Pitt, the Federal Resources Minister, is the person responsible for either allowing the permit to expire, or to approve the extension of PEP -11. It's a big decision and we can't let him make it without first hearing what we collectively have to say! The Dirt @seano888 Why Australia’s most politically incorrect social media influencer doesn't like Australia's Environmental minister… every Australian should hear this. Did you know about PEP-11? And how the 4500km between Sydney and Newcastle is about turn into oil rig town… You know, that whale highway of ours? Seismic testing? What. Talking the dirt on the damage by ocean sonic blasting If you’re an Aussie, you should really listen / watch this episode and hear why you should care about this massive bump in the environmental road - Gas is important to the Aussie economy. What would the economic impact of these wells be? Sean and Paul talk the dirt on how Oil companies are dodging tax rules out any potential economical benefits and reveal the truth to Julia! What kind of energy Australia is investing in currently… Paul asks the question; Is there a war on renewable energy in Australia? The dirt on Australian government and corruption and the environmental impacts of non-renewable energy How do you speak up if you’re Australians or anyone who wants to change this! Movements to fight PEP-11 - get involved What will happen to Australia if nothing changes? (Hmmm, remember those black summer bush fires where Australia burnt the equivalent land size of Syria) If this is science, Sean, how does it keep being disputed? Sean, is Australia culturally ready for renewable energy? Bombshell. Renewable energy is the cheapest energy on the market so it’s a bit weird that the Australian Government wants us to keep paying for a more expensive alternative (oil and gas) …We are producing more gas than is even required… How Sean stopped Equator - that Norwegian oil giant who tried to drill in the Great Australian Bite. How we (Australians and anyone out there) can further spike global change Sean's closing remarks - ‘positive change will come, but only when we move the roadblocks’ See for privacy information.

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