Milk Makeup - the brainchild of creative powerhouses Georgie Greville and Zanna Roberts Rassi
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About the episode
When Film and MTV Director Georgie Greville and Beauty Editor and E-Style host Zanna Roberts Rassi met by chance at NYC creative hub Milk Studios, their lives and careers changed forever! Co-Founders of Milk Makeup Zanna and Georgie share with host Elle Ferguson how their incredible clean and multifunctional makeup brand was born out of the same studio that Kanye dropped an album and countless other incredible creatives made magic; and how they successfully presented their product deck to Sephora with no product to speak of! Spoiler alert* This episode contains stories about what it’s like to experience imposter syndrome in a room with Jen Atkin, Charlotte Tilbury and Anastasia, why tapping into what the world needs along with what you deeply care about will give energy and longevity to your idea, and why energy is everything!See for privacy information.