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Over the Back Fence

Over the Back Fence

Di Edwards and Nicola Dale have been best friends for close to four decades & they actually share a ‘back fence’ in Sydney!  They share a love of life, a passion for people, and have discovered a simple conversation over the back fence, can change a life and give a sense of belonging .  “We’re not neuroscientists, psychologists, doctors or monks - we just love people - and know with age comes wisdom.

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42 min

Ronni Kahn AO - OzHarvest - A Sense Of Purpose To Feed The World

This week Nicola and Di chat with the genuine and inspiring Ronni Kahn AO. Ronni is a social entrepreneur who founded the food rescue charity, OzHarvest. She is a passionate advocate and activist and her mission to fight food waste and feed hungry people is supported by some of the world’s finest chefs. Ronni is an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) and was named Australian Local Hero of the Year in 2010. Her journey is the subject of a feature film,  Food Fighter and her memoir, A Repurposed Life, has recently been published. In this conversation, Ronni tells us the remarkable story of a trip back to South Africa to visit an old friend that uncovered Ronni’s purpose and changed the course of her life forever. She shares how it all began with OzHarvest, and how her passion is fuelled by purpose and Ronni considers it a privilege to be able to do the work she does in the world and make an incredible impact.  As well as Ronni’s passion to feed the hungry, we also talk about her activism around food waste and the little-known fact that food waste is the second biggest contributor to global warming, and costs the Australian economy $36.6 billion dollars a year. Ronni shares with us some simple ways that we can all reduce our food waste and help her achieve her mission for Australia to halve their food waste by 2030.  Ronni is a great storyteller and we hear all about some of the incredible people she’s collaborated with - from top international chefs to the patron of UK Harvest, none other than Queen Camilla herself.  To celebrate the 20 year anniversary of OzHarvest and bring awareness to the fact that 10 million Australians on any given day are in need of food, Ronni and her team are holding a Unite To Feed Australia concert on the 7th of November in Sydney, and she’d love for you all to be thaere! You can buy your tickets here.  We absolutely loved chatting to Ronni in the studio and hearing her uplifting message about the power each and every one of us has to make a difference in the world, no matter how big or small. We hope you love it too and that we can sing along with you Back Fencers at the concert in November.  Follow Ronni on IG here  Follow OzHarvest on IG here Buy Tickets to the OzHarvest - Unite To Feed Australia Concert here Buy Ronni’s Memoir - A Repurposed Life here  Find Out More about OzHarvest here Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Ronni Kahn AO - OzHarvest - A Sense Of Purpose To Feed The World
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43 min
15 Sep

Susan Bratton: Love & Intimacy Coach to Millions - Spice Up Your Love Life! Sexpert Tips to Improve Intimate Relationships at Any Age

This week Nicola and Di chat with the energetic and vivacious Susan Bratton. Susan is an intimacy expert to millions and has been helping people improve their intimate relationships and sex life for the past 2 decades. Susan has written thousands of magazine and website articles, as well as over 40 books and programs to help people experience shame-free, frequent sexual pleasure, which she believes is a vital element of being alive. Susan also regularly appears on TV and podcasts from all over the world. She has been married for over 30 years and has so much to share.  In this conversation Susan talks about how she got started as a sexpert, as a married woman in her 40s who was deeply unhappy with her sex life and wanted to do something about it. As Susan and her husband started going to therapy and attending sex workshops, they learnt so many skills and became closer than ever, which made Susan passionate about teaching everything she was learning to others. She went on to create a media company, and write dozens of books and programs that have helped millions of people.   Susan shares so many juicy tips with us in this chat - it is full of ideas for how you can improve your love life, including a sex bucket list and what Susan likes to call hot sex dates. We hear about Susan’s desire dozen - the 12 things you can do to increase your pleasure and get more from your relationship.  We also talk about how Susan is feeling now that she’s in her 60s - the good news is, she’s absolutely loving it and having the best sex of her life!  We had so many laughs in this episode because it’s full of cheeky chat, but it’s also super informative and helpful. We hope you have a giggle along with us and get as much from this conversation as we did.  Follow Susan on IG here  Download Susan’s FREE Sex Life Bucket List here Download Susan’s FREE Sexual Soulmate Pact here Get Susan’s Tips, Videos and Articles here  Find out more about Susan’s work here Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Susan Bratton: Love & Intimacy Coach to Millions - Spice Up Your Love Life! Sexpert Tips to Improve Intimate Relationships at Any Age
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1 hr, 8 min
8 Sep

Big Seas & Massive Winds - A Sailor's Life Through The Eyes of Mark Richards, Stacey Jackson, Nic Douglass and Alice Parker at Hamilton Island Race Week

This week we are bringing you something a little bit different - Nicola and Di recently headed off to Hamilton Island Race Week and interviewed a collection of world-class sailors whilst they were there. This week’s episode brings you all 4 of those inspiring chats.  First up we talk to Alice Parker - a remarkable 30-year old navigator who’s raced in 4 Sydney to Hobarts, as the only female on an all-male crew, as well as several world championships that have taken her to many different countries. We hear about Alice’s best moment at sea, as well as the most frightening, which happened during one of her Sydney to Hobarts. Not only is Alice an incredible young sailor, she’s also a physiotherapist and is back studying at uni again to upskill in some maths and physics. You’ll want to hear Alice’s answer for who she wants to meet at the back fence because it’s truly beautiful.  We then get the chance to chat with Mark Richards, the sailor and boat builder that many listeners would know as the long time skipper of Wild Oats, who has won the Sydney to Hobart a stunning 9 times! We hear the amazing story of how Mark got started in sailing and how he credits it to being adopted by the right people. Mark tells some great stories about his friendship with Bob Oatley, the comradery of the sailing community as well as his greatest achievements and most harrowing moments at sea.  Our third conversation is with the dynamic sailor girl Nic Douglass. When you listen in to this chat you’ll hear just how much passion and enthusiasm Nic has for sailing. Having just returned from the Olympics where Nic was part of the team commentating for the crowds on-the-ground in Marseille, we hear how the work she does now and the media company she started actually came after she was at one of her low points when she didn’t qualify for the London Olympics in 2012. Nic is proof that sometimes it’s the low moments in our lives and careers that become turning points and lead to really great opportunities.   Finally, we talk to the incredible Stacey Jackson who has sailed in a whopping 16 Sydney to Hobarts and is nowhere near stopping! Not only that but Stacey has also competed in a 9-month round-the-world race not once, but twice including conquering Cape Horn, which is known as the Mt Everest of the sailing world. We hear what it was like the first time Stacey sailed around the world and the most incredible story of how her crew survived after their mast broke shortly after they’d rounded Cape Horn on her second trip around the world. Stacey was also the skipper on Wild Oats when Julie Bishop famously jumped off the back of the boat after the start of the race in Sydney.  This week’s episode is full of so many great stories and wonderful personalities. It was so much fun recording on location up in Hamilton Island and we really hope you love tuning in to this one.   Follow Alice Parker on IG here Follow Wild Oats XI on IG here  Follow Palm Beach Motor Yachts on IG here Follow Sailor Girl Nic Douglass on IG here Follow Stacey Jackson on IG here Follow Hamilton Island Race Week on IG here Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Big Seas & Massive Winds - A Sailor's Life Through The Eyes of Mark Richards, Stacey Jackson, Nic Douglass and Alice Parker at Hamilton Island Race Week
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44 min
1 Sep

Lisa Walker - Year of Yes - Turning Pain into Purpose

This week Nicola and Di chat with the joyful and inspiring Lisa Walker. Lisa is the co-founder of Eir - a women’s wellness company which creates supplements for women over 40 to help them feel well and full of joy. After a career in beauty and health marketing, Lisa spent years fine tuning the stories of other brands and celebrities including Canon, Invisible Zinc, Skinstitut, Lisa Wilkinson and Dr Chris Brown. Whilst she was working at Canon, Lisa met her business partner Kate, and the idea for Eir was born. Following the tragic loss of her husband in 2022, Lisa found a new sense of purpose and fulfilment in building her company and helping other women find midlife health for longevity to get the absolute best out of the 2nd half of their lives. Lisa is also the proud mum of 2 young boys.  In this chat we hear about Lisa’s year of YES - which was a decision she made on her 49th birthday, 1 year after her husband Ben had passed away, to commit to a year of yes. Yes to joy, to life, to love, to friends, to experiences.  Yes to new beginnings. We hear lots of the great stories from that year - all the different things Lisa tried, from fly fishing to pole dancing, and what her favourite experience was. We also have a fun time chatting to Lisa about the dating scene in her 50s, the courage it takes to put yourself back out there and whether she’s open to meeting someone new.  Lisa also shares her thoughts on grief - how she’s coped through this difficult time, the tools that have helped her along the way, how she processes her grief and the lessons she continues to learn. We had such a wonderful time in the studio with Lisa. It was an inspiring conversation that covered challenging things such as alcoholism and the loss of her husband, but also joyful and uplifting stories of finding a renewed sense of purpose in midlife. A real chat about what it’s like being human and the emotional rollercoaster that can be at times. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  Follow Lisa Walker on IG here Follow Eir Women on IG here Find out more and order Eir Women products here Read Lisa’s Year of Yes article here  Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Lisa Walker - Year of Yes - Turning Pain into Purpose
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48 min
25 Aug

Terri Cole - World-Renowned Psychotherapist Who Reaches Millions Globally, Relationship Expert, and Boundary Boss

This week Nicola and Di chat with the world-renowned psychotherapist, relationship and empowerment expert, Terri Cole. Through her best-selling books, online courses, YouTube videos, podcast episodes and psychotherapy practice, Terri has taught thousands of people how to improve their relationships, communicate effectively, set better boundaries, truly be seen and finally live free as the most authentic, most empowered version of themselves. In this conversation, we hear Terri’s career story and how she went from being a talent agent to the top supermodels in the world in the 90s, to completely shifting gears and becoming a licensed therapist. We’re so glad she did, because Terri has gone on to become an expert in boundaries and relationships and she has a gift for taking complex psychological concepts and making them super easy to understand so you can take action and make positive changes.  We got a real taste of that in this interview, where Terri gives us a masterclass in what boundaries are, why they’re important, why so many of us have no idea how to set them or communicate them and she gives us the tools and language to become a boundary boss. Terri shares how it all goes back to childhood and the boundary blueprint we grew up with. We also get to hear about her new book Too Much, which is about breaking the cycle of high-functioning codependency, which Terri explains to us in simple terms.  Terri also shares the wonderful story of her first date with her husband, and how she insisted on finding someone who was willing to go deep and who had done years of therapy - Terri was in luck, because when they met, he’d been in therapy for 20 years! She shares with Nicola how it’s possible to meet a man like this if that’s what she wants to attract and it’s all about the energy she emanates.  We absolutely loved chatting with Terri. She’s been on the top of our dream guest list for the podcast since the very beginning, and we hope after listening to this episode you’ll understand why. She is wise, insightful, helpful and a whole lot of fun as well! We hope you love hearing from Terri as much as we did.  Follow Terri Cole on IG here Pre-order Terri’s new book Too Much here Buy Terri’s book Boundary Boss here  Find out more about Terri’s work and online courses here Listen to Terri’s podcast, The Terri Cole show here  Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Terri Cole - World-Renowned Psychotherapist Who Reaches Millions Globally, Relationship Expert, and Boundary Boss
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43 min
18 Aug

Nikki Parkinson - Divorce and Separation Coach on How To Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough

This week Nicola and Di chat with the insightful family law expert Nikki Parkinson. Nikki is a divorce and separation coach who guides and supports people through this difficult time and helps them create a clear and practical pathway to navigate their separation. She has 25 years of experience with the family law system, as well as her own personal experience of divorce and as a mother of 3, Nikki also knows what it’s like to navigate co-parenting and how to take care of yourself through the challenging times.  In this conversation, we hear how Nikki believes you really can turn a breakup into a breakthrough, if you’re willing to do the work, reflect on what you’ve learnt and make the changes you need to make. Nikki shares how she works with her clients, and that it’s really about understanding their unique needs and taking a holistic approach. Nikki opens up about her own personal story of divorce, including the mistakes she made along the way that we can learn from. She gives great tips and practical advice for what to do if you find yourself in this situation and why she believes time is our most precious commodity.  Even if you never have to go through a divorce or separation, this chat is full of great ideas for how to communicate well in any relationship, the benefits of being clear on the values you want to live by and the importance of treating yourself with kindness and self-compassion. Everyone can take away something helpful from this conversation.  We really loved chatting to Nikki and we hope you enjoy listening to this episode.  Follow Nikki and the Divorce Hub on IG here Find our more about Nikki’s work and divorce coaching here  Follow The Divorce Hub community on Facebook here Follow The Divorce Hub on LinkedIn here  Listen to Nikki’s Divorce and Separation podcast here Follow Nicola and Di on IG hereSee for privacy information.

Nikki Parkinson - Divorce and Separation Coach on How To Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough
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