AMY TAYLOR NMF: The Italian Lover With Bulging Eyes
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About the episode
The Italian man with the bulging eyes told her that her "hair is small", he called her while eating raw meat AND THEN he played a weird sex game that only HE was into. This one's a REALLY good one. LINKS Listen to Amyl and the Sniffers on Spotify Listen to Amyl and the Sniffers on Apple Follow Amyl and the Sniffers on IG @amylandthesniffers Buy tickets to Abbie's national Trauma Dump tour Review the podcast on Apple Podcasts Follow LiSTNR Entertainment on IG @listnrentertainment Follow LiSTNR Entertainment on TikTok @listnrentertainment Get instructions on how to access transcripts on Apple podcasts CREDITS Host: Abbie Chatfield @abbiechatfield Guest: Amy Taylor @caltexcowboy ExecutiveProducer: Lem Zakharia @lemzakharia Digital Producer: Oscar Gordon @oscargordon Social and Video Producer: Amy Code @amycode It's A Lot Social Media Manager: Julia Toomey Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh Find more great podcasts like this at