SMIV & DEADLY ARE BACK! A good old fashioned ATS Regular Ep Stonka!!
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About the episode
Billabong X ATS $500 Bong Chron Voucher Giveaway Presents... ENTER HERE SMIV & DEADLY STRIKE BACK! Smiv is home from Indo with a corn so immaculately rinsed you could eat a bowl of Nasi Goreng straight off his dot! He joins Deadly back in the studio for a classic regular ep mondo rant including but not limited to... Huge Indo Vs Straya Vs US Election Rant Nate Floz Wins Surfer of the Year Yet Again! Flick Bean Palmateer's Oves Demo 24 Chang Tooz Eating a big bowl of Dick Dream Tour well and truly back! Gabby's Indo Swordfest Winner's From the Caaaarnt Film Festival Ask us a Question with the Swellians ...& so much more! See for privacy information.